Buyer of Premium Land or Redevelopment Opportunities | Miami, Florida Commercial Property Buyer Profile

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Property Type(s): Land

This buyer seeks land or properties that are candidates for redevelopment in the most exclusive areas of Miami. This is a well-heeled, seasoned buyer that has closed on such properties, and is ready, willing, and able to close on others.

Buying Power: $100,000,000

Building Size: Up to 80,000 square feet

Lot Size: From 20,000 to 300,000 square feet

HawkinsCRE Buyer ID: 112

If you own a property you think could be of interest to this buyer, click "suggest a property" below. Note that even if a property is not a fit for this specific purchaser, we may have or be able to find another buyer.

Target Zip Codes: 33054, 33055, 33056, 33125, 33127, 33137, 33138, 33142, 33144, 33147, 33150, 33155, 33161, 33162, 33165, 33167, 33168, 33169, 33175, 33179, 33181, 33184, 33185, 33194

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Note: This is the profile of one of many commercial real estate buyers with which we are actively working. Before we publish such a buyer profile, we consider whether a buyer is ready, willing, and able to close at full market value on suitable properties. This is the case with this buyer.If you have a property you are interested in selling that you think could be of interest to this buyer, contact me today.