Commercial Real Estate for Sale and Lease with Zoning T6-60a O in Miami Page 1 of 1

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Listed: 664 N Miami Ave, Miami, Florida 33136

664 N Miami Ave, Miami, Florida 33136

• One of the few remaining freestanding buildings in Downtown Miami • Located on a hard corner ...
• One of the few remaining freestanding buildings in Downtown Miami • Located on a hard corner ...
Chariff Realty Group

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View Miami listings by property square feet: less than 2,499; 2,500 to 4,999; 5,000 to 9,999; More than 10,000. Or, view by Miami lot square feet / acreage: Up to 10,000; 10,001 to 21,780 (half acre); 21,781 to 43,560 (acre); More than 43,560 (more than an acre)