Commercial Real Estate for Sale and Lease in Zip 33149 Page 1 of 1

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Listed: 21 Harbor Dr, Key Biscayne, Florida 33149

21 Harbor Dr, Key Biscayne, Florida 33149

INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY TO OWN A LANDMARK. Last Chance to buy prime commercial property on Key Biscayne. U...
INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY TO OWN A LANDMARK. Last Chance to buy prime commercial property on Key Biscayne. U...
Key Biscayne Realty Group, Inc
Listed: 50 W Mashta Dr, Key Biscayne, Florida 33149

50 W Mashta Dr, Key Biscayne, Florida 33149

Rare opportunity to own 15 offices spaces in Key Biscayne. We are offering for sale 3 suites of a total o...
Rare opportunity to own 15 offices spaces in Key Biscayne. We are offering for sale 3 suites of a total o...
DLS International Realty
Listed: 620 Crandon Blvd # 7, Key Biscayne, Florida 33149

620 Crandon Blvd # 7, Key Biscayne, Florida 33149

Discovered an unparalleled opportunity in the heart of highly coveted Key Biscayne. This commercial space...
Discovered an unparalleled opportunity in the heart of highly coveted Key Biscayne. This commercial space...
Listed: 650 Crandon Blvd # 16, Key Biscayne, Florida 33149

650 Crandon Blvd # 16, Key Biscayne, Florida 33149

Discover an outstanding opportunity to secure a spacious 1,782 SF retail space at the prime location in K...
Discover an outstanding opportunity to secure a spacious 1,782 SF retail space at the prime location in K...

The listings above for commercial real estate in Miami area zip code Zip 33149 may be filtered by property type - retail, industrial, multifamily, office, or land, or for businesses for sale only - by clicking on the buttons above the listings. Listings in this site can also be filtered by municipality, zoning, building square feet, and lot square feet. You may also want to view the 197 off-market / non-MLS listings - this off-market non-MLS listings section is another proprietary development by Hawkins - in the Downtown / Central Miami zone, which includes this zip code 33149.

View zip 33149 listings by property square feet: less than 2,499; 2,500 to 4,999; 5,000 to 9,999; More than 10,000. Or, view by Zip 33149 lot square feet / acreage: Up to 10,000; 10,001 to 21,780 (half acre); 21,781 to 43,560 (acre); More than 43,560 (more than an acre)