Commercial Real Estate for Sale and Lease in Zip 33136 Page 2 of 2

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101 NW 8th St, Miami, Florida 33136

101 NW 8th St, Miami, Florida 33136

A premier commercial hub offering meticulously designed turnkey offices tailored to meet every business n...
A premier commercial hub offering meticulously designed turnkey offices tailored to meet every business n...
Gridline Properties
1951 NW 7th Ave, Miami, Florida 33136

1951 NW 7th Ave, Miami, Florida 33136

Connected to one of the largest private research universities in the South and one of the largest medical...
Connected to one of the largest private research universities in the South and one of the largest medical...
Rise Realty
664 N Miami Ave, Miami, Florida 33136

664 N Miami Ave, Miami, Florida 33136

• One of the few remaining freestanding buildings in Downtown Miami\r\n• Located on a hard corn...
• One of the few remaining freestanding buildings in Downtown Miami\r\n• Located on a hard corn...
Chariff Realty Group
218 NW 8th St, Miami, Florida 33136

218 NW 8th St, Miami, Florida 33136

Retail/Commercial Space at luxurious Arte Grand Central, a 360 unit/18 stories apartment community in the...
Retail/Commercial Space at luxurious Arte Grand Central, a 360 unit/18 stories apartment community in the...
Canvas Real Estate

The listings above for commercial real estate in Miami area zip code Zip 33136 may be filtered by property type - retail, industrial, multifamily, office, or land, or for businesses for sale only - by clicking on the buttons above the listings. Listings in this site can also be filtered by municipality, zoning, building square feet, and lot square feet. You may also want to view the 278 off-market / non-MLS listings - this off-market non-MLS listings section is another proprietary development by Hawkins - in the Downtown / Central Miami zone, which includes this zip code 33136.