Sunny Isles Beach Demographics

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Sunny Isles Beach, Florida Demographic Chart Descriptions

The charts above, described below, are of interest to commercial real estate investors as part of their process of evaluating existing and prospective commercial real estate property investments.

Sunny Isles Beach, Florida Population by Age Range: Commercial real estate investors are interested in the age ranges of area residents as it can provide indications on housing for multifamily investors, for office space needs for office investors, and retail purchasing patterns for retail commercial real estate players.

Racial Population Breakdown for Zip Code Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: The distribution of the population in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida is shown in this chart.

Sunny Isles Beach, Florida Household Income: The distribution of household income for Sunny Isles Beach, Florida is displayed in this chart.

Means of Transportation to Work in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: Chart shows how people in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida get to work, wheter by car, train, or otherwise..

Sunny Isles Beach, Florida Marital Status by Sex: The distribution of marital status (married, never married, divorced, widowed) in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida is displayed.

Percentage of Women in Various Age Ranges that Gave Birth in Prior Year: This chart displays what percentage of women in different age brackets that reside in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida gave birth in the prior year.

Years Residing at Address for Populus of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: The number of years people in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida have lived at their current address is represented in chart form.

Value of Owner Occupied Homes in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: The value of owner occupied housing units is shown in this chart.

Migration Patterns in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: The percentage of the people in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida that have migrated from different countries, different states, different counties, etc., is displayed in chart form.

Educational Attainment Within Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: The percentage of people in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida that have completed college, high school, etc., is displayed.

Sunny Isles Beach, Florida Foreign Born Place of Birth: The regions of the world that the foreign born population within were born in is displayed.

Wartime Service for Veterans of War in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: The war theater fought in is shows for the veterans of war that reside within Miami Sunny Isles Beach, Florida.

Sunny Isles Beach, Florida Population by Age Category: People in different age brackets residing in Miami Sunny Isles Beach, Florida is represented with this chart.

Males vs. Females Residing in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: The percentage of residents in Miami area Sunny Isles Beach, Florida that are male verus female is diplayed.

Children in Poverty in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: The percentage of children under the age of 18 within Sunny Isles Beach, Florida is displayed.

Sunny Isles Beach, Florida Senior Citizens in Poverty: The percentage of senior citizens, people age 65 and over, that are in poverty, is represented in this chart.

Household Type Distribution in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: The percentage of households that are families, not families, etc., is displayed in this chart.

Single versus Married in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: The percentage of married versus single adults in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida is represented in this chart.

Occupied vs. Vacant Housing in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: The percentage of housing units that are occupied versus the percentage that are vacant witnin Miami area Sunny Isles Beach, Florida is shown.

Home Ownership in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: The percentage of owner occupied versus renter occupied housing in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida is displayed.

Housing Types in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: The percentage of housing units that are single family, multi-unit, etc., within Sunny Isles Beach, Florida is shown in this chart.

Language at Home for Children in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: The language at home for children ages 5 to 17 in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida is shown in this chart.

Language at Home for Adults in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: The primary language at home for adults 18 years and older is represented in this chart for people in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida is shown in this chart.

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