Jul 02, 2016 - 0 Comments - Economy -

2016 Miami Spice Restaurants Mapped with Links to Individual Restaurant Information

Click on any marker to see the name of a restaurant and a link to that establishments information on the Miami Spice website. General information related to Miami Spice may be accessed at the Miami Spice website. If you prefer to view this in google maps, access it directly here. This map of 2016 Miami Spice Restaurants was created to help diners quickly zoom to an area to search for Miami Spice restaurants, seeking to reward those establishments that participate in the Miami Spice program.

Check the Miami Spice website for updated information. Miami Spice is an annual two month long restaurant promotion event that showcases the best of Miami’s plentiful dining options. Lasting from August 1 to September 30, participating restaurants offer three-course meals featuring signature dishes at reduced prices, this year (2016) $23 for lunch or $39 for dinner.