Category: Financing

Video: Trepp Chief Product Officer Lonnie Hendry Provided Update on Real Estate Financing And Distressed Loans

Apr 29, 2024 - Financing - 0 Comments - Standard

Navigating the Currents of Commercial Real Estate: Insights from a Conversation In the dynamic world of commercial real estate, staying ahead requires not only understanding the current market trends but also engaging in insightful conversations with industry experts. Recently, a conversation on America’s Commercial Real Estate Show with Lonnie Hendry, Chief Product Officer at Trepp, […]

Video: Janney Montgomery Scott Director or Research Chris Marinac Discusses if Banks Handle Upcoming Loan Maturities

Jan 22, 2024 - Financing - 0 Comments - Standard

The financial soundness of banks and accessible lending are important for the economy and for commercial real estate. The “if it bleeds it leads” headlines and clickbait like “doom loop” – referring to maturing loans – can lead to a lack of confidence. Chris Marinac joins show host Michael to share the real story with […]

Video: 2023 Commercial Real Estate Financing Outlook is Discussed by Mortgage Bankers Association VP of Research & Economics Jamie Woodwell

Feb 22, 2023 - Financing - 0 Comments - Standard

In this 20 minute video, Jamie Woodwell, Vice President, Research and Economics, at the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) joins America’s Commercial Real Estate Show host Michael Bull to share highlights from the newly released Mortgage Bankers Association’s report: MBA CREF Outlook Survey; Unsettled Markets to Dissipate in 2023. This is generated from a survey of […]

Chart: Diminished Small Business CRE Buying Power Given Higher Interest Rates

Feb 02, 2023 - Financing - 0 Comments - Standard

The above chart displays the loan amount per $10,000 of monthly principal and interest (P&I) payment on a 25 year amortization schedule and assuming an interest rate 2.5% above the 10 year treasury. The actual spread varies over time and between institutions, of course. “Money often costs too much.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson The idea here […]

Commercial Borrowing Cost: Rate Watch for December 30, 2022

Jan 05, 2023 - Financing - 0 Comments - Standard

The interest rate environment has changed fairly dramatically over the past 18 months. At the end of 2022, five year treasury rates, most closely tracked for commercial property borrowing cost, closed at 3.99%, up from the 0.2% to 0.4% range it was bouncing around within during the months preceding February 2021. If one considers this […]

Video: Financing Today with Tom Walsh of Grandbridge Real Estate Capital

Dec 28, 2022 - Financing - 0 Comments - Standard

Tom Walsh, Senior Vice President at Grandbridge Real Estate Capital, one of the nation’s largest full-service commercial real estate finance firms, appears on America’s Commercial Real Estate Show to share an inside look at the current state of commercial real estate financing. Topics discussed include interest rates, LTV (loan to value) rations, DSCR (debt service […]

Video: Trepp’s Tom Fink Discusses View on the Debt Market

Aug 15, 2021 - Financing - 0 Comments - Standard

Trepp Senior Vice President and Managing Director Tom Fink joins America’s Commercial Real Estate Show Michael to discuss the debt market as it relates to commercial property. Topics discussed include which sectors are experiencing distress and delinquencies, and how the Delta variant may affect pricing and liquidity. Trepp is cited as the industry’s largest commercially […]

Chart: TIPS Spread Indicating Highest Inflation Expectations in 13 Years

Apr 06, 2021 - Economy, Financing - 0 Comments - Standard

The TIPS spread is the difference in the yields between United States Treasury bonds and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS). It is a useful and oft-quoted measure of expectations for (CPI) inflation in the financial markets. The spread indicates expected inflation. Real money is buying these bonds. TIPS pay interest every six months, based on a […]

Commercial Property Borrowing Cost Quarterly 2020 Q2

Jul 23, 2020 - Economy, Financing - 0 Comments - Standard

Yields on 5-year U.S. Treasury Notes remain at lows quickly reached as we entered the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. As can be seen in the chart embedded herein, these rates, most closely tracked for commercial real estate financing cost, plummeted from what were already considered low levels to under 50 basis points (0.5%), barely […]

Video: Iron Hound Principal Robert Verrone discusses fixing loans broken by Covid-19

Jul 01, 2020 - Financing - 0 Comments - Standard

Iron Hound Management’s Robert Verrone talks about distressed loans amid the economic slowdown in this virtual interview by TRD. He talks about deals that didn’t close in the middle of COVID-19, then moves on to the process of dealing with existing loans that are distressed due to effects on the commerce in the respective properties. […]

Commercial Borrowing Cost: Rate Watch for April 30, 2020

May 01, 2020 - Economy, Financing - 0 Comments - Standard

At the end of April of 2019, intermediate yields remain at lows reached in recent weeks. This has, of course, been driven by reduced economic activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As can be seen in the accompanying chart, five year rates, which are most closely tracked for commercial property borrowing cost, found themselves under […]

Video: Crowdfunding Law Firm Trowbridge Sidoti’s Managing Parter Gene Trowbridge Discusses Real Estate Syndication

Dec 11, 2019 - Financing - 0 Comments - Standard

Part 1 of 2 Part 2 of 2 Syndication and crowdfunding are becoming an increasingly popular way to fund commercial real estate purchases. Join the host of America’s Commercial Real Estate Show and its guest, Gene Trowbridge, author of “It’s A Whole New Business” and Managing Partner of the crowdfunding law firm Trowbridge Sidoti, as […]

Video: IRA Resources President Jason Craig Discusses Investing in Commercial Real Estate with One’s Self Directed IRA

Sep 19, 2019 - Financing - 0 Comments - Standard

Part One: Part Two: Looking to increase after tax returns, diversify your portfolio, or a clever method to raise cash from investors? Jason Craig, President of IRA Resources, appears on America’s Commercial Real Estate Show to discuss benefits and strategies, as well as mistakes to avoid, for using one’s IRA funds to buy commercial real […]