Aug 18, 2023 - 0 Comments - Development, Videos -

Video: Belay Investment Group CEO Eliza Bailey Discusses Choosing Equity and Operating Partners Today

The conversation revolves around the commercial real estate market, with a focus on key considerations for both equity partners,  operators, sponsors, and developers in the current landscape. The host of the show is joined by Eliza Belay, CEO of Belay Investment Group, to discuss various aspects of the industry.

The discussion covers the changing dynamics in the commercial real estate market, particularly in the context of equity partnerships. Eliza Belay highlights the impact of factors like the denominator effect, where large institutional clients may pull back due to stock market fluctuations, creating opportunities for smaller equity partners.

The conversation delves into tips for those involved in equity partnerships, whether they are developers seeking operating partners or equity providers looking for opportunities. Key considerations include alignment of interests, the importance of longer-term investors, and the changing landscape of return expectations.

Belay introduces the concept of the “five Ps” for those seeking operating partners: People, Product, Process, Position, and Performance. These criteria encompass both the hard factors such as execution capabilities and soft factors like ethical considerations.

The discussion also touches on the current trends and challenges in the commercial real estate market, with a specific focus on the office sector. Belay emphasizes the importance of understanding local dynamics and gaining insights from on-the-ground sources to navigate the uncertainties.

This discussion provides valuable insights into the complexities of the commercial real estate market, offering advice for both equity partners and operators in adapting to the evolving landscape. The conversation emphasizes the need for a balanced approach, combining experience with innovation and considering diverse perspectives in decision-making.