Jan 06, 2024 - 0 Comments - Videos -

Video: Grandbridge’s Tom Walsh Discusses Financing Sources Today

Tom Walsh joins host Michael Bull to share the most active lenders for various property sectors today. Discussions include interest rates, underwriting, timing to close loans and strategies working today both for lenders and borrowers.

About the Discussion: Navigating the Dynamics of Real Estate Financing: A Comprehensive Discussion on Current Trends and Strategies with Tom Walsh of Grandbridge

Note that this conversation is generally about commercial real estate nationally, the performance of which can vary and has varied from that of Miami and other South Florida commercial property.

The real estate market is a dynamic landscape that responds to economic shifts, global events, and evolving consumer behaviors. In a recent conversation, industry experts engaged in a detailed exploration of the financing environment, shedding light on trends and strategies that define the real estate financing landscape. From navigating the challenges of 2020 to anticipating shifts in 2024, the discussion covered diverse sectors, including hotels, senior housing, and the intriguing realm of office spaces.

2020: A Challenging Year and the Rebound in 2021-2023:

The conversation commenced with a retrospective analysis of the hurdles faced in 2020. Termed a “throwaway” year, the real estate market, especially the hospitality sector, encountered substantial setbacks. However, the experts observed a rebound in 2021, with promising signs continuing into 2022 and 2023. Notably, hotels emerged as resilient performers in 2023, fostering an optimistic outlook.

Financing Challenges Across Sectors:

While overall trends showed positive momentum, the discussion turned to the challenges in securing financing across various real estate sectors. Senior housing, known for its inherent complexities, faced heightened difficulties in obtaining financing. The involvement of agencies like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and HUD exhibited fluctuations in their appetite for senior housing projects.

In contrast, hotels were identified as a promising product within Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS). However, financing for hotels grappled with a “guilt by association” scenario, entangled with challenges stemming from the broader economic landscape.

The Office Dilemma:

The conversation delved into the intricacies of financing office spaces, acknowledging the uncertainties introduced by the rise of remote work. Lenders approached office projects cautiously, considering the potential long-term impact of evolving work dynamics, expiring leases, and decreased utilization.

Lenders’ Perspectives and Risk Mitigation:

Lenders found themselves in a delicate balancing act, navigating the fine line between recognizing opportunities and mitigating risks. Building relationships and trust with borrowers emerged as a crucial aspect, with a nuanced understanding of the human element in credit decisions.

2024: Investing in Office Properties:

As the conversation projected forward to 2024, a cautiously optimistic viewpoint emerged regarding office properties. Anticipated factors such as conversion to alternative uses, limited new supply, and a growing appreciation for the benefits of physical office spaces hinted at a potential turnaround.

Leveraging Safe Loans and Building Relationships:

Practical tips for both lenders and borrowers were highlighted. Lenders were encouraged to view the current market as an opportunity to engage in secure lending and cultivate valuable relationships. Openness to calculated risks and the evaluation of partner trustworthiness were emphasized.

Borrowers were advised to adopt a proactive approach in seeking financing, particularly with maturing loans. The trend of higher equity checks and the acceptance of seller seconds or mezzanine financing were recognized as strategic avenues to navigate the current financing landscape.


The real estate financing conversation offered a comprehensive exploration of challenges and opportunities in the market. From the resilience of hotels to the cautious approach towards office spaces, industry experts provided insights into the intricacies of real estate financing. The key takeaway emphasized the significance of adaptability, relationship-building, and strategic decision-making in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of real estate financing.