Oct 18, 2018 - 0 Comments - Economy -

Video: CCIM Chief Economist KC Conway on How Debt Market Will Affect Real Estate Values

CCIM Chief Economist KC Conway appears on this commercial real estate related show to discuss how the debt market will affect real estate, including interest rates, and debt levels. He notes he believes we are headed back to a 5% rate on 10 year treasuries, which would be quite an increase from the low rate range to which we’ve become accustomed. He goes into detail on the timing, historically, of moves in cap rates as rates change. He further opines that gravity defying industrial properties may be an exception.

This is one of four videos that discuss the United States economy the commercial real estate market today. We post a lot of information and videos related to these topics. These are among the best, concise, informative, and interesting. They provide a solid update on both of these topics, and are sure to provide new information for even the most savvy. The other three videos in this commercial real estate video and economy discussion series by the CCIM’s KC Conway include: